Eva Taylor

My name is Eva Taylor, I have resided here on the central coast my whole life. I enjoy being in nature and the outdoors and I epecially love to be in the ocean! I have been an avid surfer for the past 20+ years and feel so proud to call this area of the coast my home. 

The reason I enjoy nature and the ocean so much is for the deep sense of calm it brings. Throughout my years growing up and into adulthood, anxiety was a feeling that would come up around certain situations or events. This emotion was so challenging for me to overcome during those moments that often I would just want to run from it. Anxiety and stress are emotions we all experience on some level and now more than ever there are so many avenues for these emotions to invite themselves into our daily lives. The question is how do we "deal"?  For me this question sparked a lifelong passion for learning about health and wellness.

 After graduating Bauman College in 2016 as a Nutrition Consultant, I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Kelly Metcalf at Harmony House Yoga. During my teacher training I began to study Restorative Yoga and was introduced to the teachings of Judith Hanson Lasater PhD.,PT.  Judith Lasater quite literally 'wrote the book' on Restorative Yoga and is considered the all around “Queen of Restorative”.  

I was immediately drawn to Restorative yoga for the nourishing and relaxing effects I felt in my body. The more I practiced the more I experienced this relaxing effect spreading deeper into my mind and spirit. In the summer of 2021 I had the opportunity to learn and become certified directly thru Judith Lasater as a Relax and Renew® Restorative Yoga Teacher.  I'm now on a mission to share this beautiful calming practice with my community. We all need more Restorative yoga!


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Rachel Ventura