“Harmony House has changed my life. I was victim to a near fatal accident and struggled both physically and mentally along the road to recovery. A year and a half after the accident I was still limping around barely able to get up and down stairs. Physical therapy wasn't enough. I was referred to try yoga and had driven by this mysterious place thousands of times oblivious to the healing powers that it had to offer. After trying a few classes I knew this was my new way of life. You beautiful women at Harmony House guided me to a way of practice that has healed me in more ways than one. I can squat again, run up and down the stairs again, feeling is slowly coming back to parts of my body that have been numb and painful, I sleep better, I breath better and I appreciate what my body is capable of again. It's not just exercise, it's life changing in more ways than one. Thank you to all you beautiful women at Harmony House, and to the power of community that all who attend create!”
~ Holly Iliff, Member since 2022

“When I moved to this area over 10 years ago, Harmony House was the first place I connected with, a place I felt I belonged. The minute you walk through the doors you immediately feel the warmth and love that exudes from every smile and greeting. The genuine sense of gratefulness having you there lifts your spirits. All the kind and caring instructors have helped me on my yoga journey. They have taught me it is not about the poses I can or can not do, but it's about showing up on my mat, letting go of what was, what will be, and being present in the moment. My mind, body and soul are nourished in this beautiful sacred space. Harmony House is truly my happy place!”
~ Mary Kershaw, Member since 2013
“There is something powerful in group practice, when we align, breath and practice together, it changes ones entire nervous system. The positive affects of a yoga practice are both immediate and long-standing. I am happier, more gracious, less stressed and anxious, more confident and present in my life and with others.
I am so grateful, for Harmony House is more than just a yoga studio. It is truly a community of consciousness, love, togetherness and healing. The farm stand has been such a great and positive addition. Now when I go to yoga on Saturday, I can pick up eggs, dates, beets, carrots, micro greens, homemade jam, coconut yogurt, garlic, tea, bath salts or anything else I may need. I am forever grateful to Harmony House. My life has changed both subtly and drastically since I walked in the door. My life is more peaceful and calm. I have more grace for myself and others. It’s just the best shift ever in consciousness and awareness.”
~ Brenda Russell, Member since 2015

“I really don’t know how to put into words the peace I feel here - in the store, with the teachers, on my mat, in a pose, hearing the music, and breathing! For me there is an external world and an inner world where perfect peace is found and where wisdom and courage reside. It’s very important to me to balance these two worlds. Harmony House helps me to do just this! My peace is directly proportional to my going inside - breathing, moving, or just lying or holding. I love all the teachers, I love the space and the community of like-minded human beings. Harmony House is a collective of positive, loving energy that is almost tangible and will leave you content and feeling loved.”
~ Peggy Thomas, Member since 2022
“What I immediately connected with at Harmony House is the friendly staff and sense of community that has been created. I can detox from the stresses of life. All the teachers are knowledgeable, encouraging, each with their own expertise that helps us all to continue to learn and grow in our practice. Not only does this space provide health benefits from yoga, but also provides fresh organic foods from Kelly's farm, and local vendors are supported with products that are sold in the shop. I am thankful for being part of such a wonderful sacred space!”
~ Joseph Kershaw, Member since 2016

“Harmony house is a place that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Whether you show up for one class, have a membership, or just peak your head into the store, the staff and owner Kelly treat you like family. The classes are nourishing and informative (I always learn something in Kelly’s class), and the instructors are there to help and teach you. It is by-far the best studio I have been a part of and the community is so welcoming. Harmony house is a safe place for anyone to be a part of and I would highly recommend it to anyone who asked.”
~ Robyn Brooks, Student since 2019