Kelly Keene
Hello my name is Kelly.
Three words to describe me are kind, happy, caring.
When I'm not teaching yoga I love to surf, garden, spend time with my love, and learn learn learn.
My ideal morning is waking up in the quiet dark hours of the morning to make a warm drink, enjoy my practices, some silence, THEN all my chores. I love morning. Oh and add in a bowl of Ezekial cereal and its my ideal morning =)
I dream of a lot. Growing big shady trees for my grandchildren to enjoy one day is at the top of the list.
I am grateful for the power of community.
Yoga has taught me dedication, the true ability to breath, and a sacred appreciation for my life.
I love to teach breath awareness, anatomical alignment, slow and steady classes so we can have an on-going relationship with the postures. I also love to teach one pose group at a time for an energetically clear and intentional outcome.
Three words to describe my teaching style are purposeful, detailed, and inward.... and maybe breath-focused and slow. That's 5, whoops.
As a teacher, I hope to guide students through a methodical and safe practice, so we can all be practicing yoga for the rest of our lives. But mostly I hope to embody the qualities of humility and passion.
Music you might hear in my class is mostly silence lately.
My yoga experience includes being human. But also pranayama, meditation, and whole lot of self- study. I have been practicing yoga since 2002 and started teaching just a couple years later. I opened Harmony House in 2009 and have enjoyed witnessing the evolution of this place that I love so much. Most recently, I have developed a teacher training program called "Living and Teaching From Your Spiritual Heart" and feel honored to be teaching teachers.
I am excited to be a part of the Harmony House community because... I'm tearing up as I write this. The Harmony House community inspires me every. single. day. It is full of the most dedicated students and staff. Harmony House welcomes each and every person who walks in the door and this makes me proud. Thank you to the staff, teachers, and students who are all creating and contributing to this community invested in turning inward so we can be of service, be present, and be our best selves throughout all aspects of our lives. Thank you.